The local parts house ordered a trans oil filter and I went this morning to pick it up. Paid for it and started to drive away, but this little voice told me to take a look at it. So I opened the box and the filter was not square like the one I pulled out. The edge of the filter material was not completely captured by the crimp edge of the metal pan/body. So I went back in to see whats, what. Well, it was a correct filter and all the pictured filters looked like this one. Nobody could find any info on why it was, the way it was. So they reordered a different one like what I removed. It came in a few hours later and putting all the pieces back, commenced.
I had not jacked the truck up to do this, but I'm not sure it would of mattered. That valve body was just heavy enuf and just awkward enuf to bring out the best of the cuss'in. Finally my arms were fatigued out and I couldn't hold it up or steady, so I utilized a small floor jack. It worked perfectly and before I knew it, the bolts were all in and torqued. Buttoned it up then popped out the govenor. I about lost an eye with the first spring. I wasn't going to do the govenor but glad I did. The cap seal was so dried out it just cracked and fell off.
With it all back together, I took a guess at how much ATF to pour in. 3qts was a start. Started it up and added another qt once it warmed up. Took it for a slow drive around the block, pulled back in and checked level again. Added a half quart then went for a short drive. Came back and checked again. To the line...perfect.
If I did not know I put a shift kit in it, I'm not sure I would of noticed anything different, other than it did seem to shift much smoother
I did not try "shift command" yet. Maybe tomorrow.
I will say the instructions did say that this kit was for professionals only.
Having never tore into an auto tranny, I was a tad apprehensive. I have tore into a few GoldWing engines and brought them back up and running, so I figured, it can't be too tough. Besides, I had Ruggle's book to reference.
It was not nearly as difficult as my imagination fabricated.
Before I sat down to bang this out, I went out to check the cardboard I put under the tranny when I got back.
There was no tranny fluid on it. I'll check again tomorrow morning.
Now I just need to find a spot for the sticker.
Next on the agenda...
Total seal and gasket replacement for the motor.