A few more days, a tiny bit of progress. I've decided the way to go is to take care of one wire per day and it's helped with the feeling of being overwhelmed and not motivated. I got the Edelbrock fuel pump relay kit mounted and wired into the main harness and spliced to the Pro Flo 4 ECU wiring. Just need to run the larger orange wire through the firewall when I'm ready to wire up the selector switch. Today, I loomed and secured the o2 sensor wire, I think it turned out nicely. Tomorrow, will start on alternator/starter/battery cables, and then into the cab from there.
Also got my new Dakota Digital stuff ordered. The GPS module, CAN module for the
Pro Flo 4, and the gear display module all arrived but the dash itself doesn't have a ship date until end of October. I'm hoping that's not going to be the case but they seem to be hard to find.
I'm still trying to figure out exactly how the wiring for the dual tanks should work. I'm guessing it should all be installed exactly how the Painless manual calls for, with the exception of the power being supplied via the PF4 fuel pump relay power wire instead of the wire included in the Painless harness. Now that I think about it, the wire that's meant to supply power to the selector switch that was included in the Painless harness should be +12v during key on and cranking both, so that would be a good repurpose for thr PF4 ECU power-up wire. If anyone has thoughts or suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Here are a few progress pics