Finished up the Harmonic Balancer Install job and the New/USED 4 core radiator install.
This old 4 core radiator I took out, has a small seam leak at the tank. Anyone know if radiator shops are still in bidness? I'd like to keep a REAL radiator in all my trucks. So I'd like to get this one to radiator a shop, have it cleaned, rod out the cores, re weld all the tanks and make it like new again. I think most radiator shops have bellied up with it being common cars having plastic radiators now. Another thing radiator shops were good for was taking your gas tank to them and they'd boil it out and get all the **** out of the tank.
Brass wire brush, a jug of solder flux, a roll of solid core solder and Your acy/oxy torch and Your good to go.
place a wet rag, outside of where You want to sloder, to act as a heat dam and keep another soaked rag in the bucket in case things begin to get too warm. Heat the area, needing repair, with just enough heat to make the solder flow good.
I`ve done it so, I know You candoit too. I have soldered hose connectors back in and soldered seams. It`s kind of scarey at first but, You`ll get over that.
Main thing is to not allow the tank to get so warm that the tubes begin to let go, I`ve had to resolder several of those, that was about the first time I ever tried a radiator repair.
Sometimes, if it is not cold outside, I will take the tools, radiator and torch outside and let the garden hose run water over the areas I dont want unsoldered.