I may be talking blasphemy on here BUUUT:
Try eBay. Put it on there for 5 days and see what happens. You can give it a set price and a "Best Offer" option, and best part: No spam! No scammers! The worst thing that could happen is someone bid on it then not pay, in which case you relist it (which is generally free).
Yes... they do take a 3% cut after it sells but its "generally" well worth it.
I may be rambling for those of you who use eBay but it takes a bit to get used to
Went in to see the Dr. today, about My prostate, it was all good{Pretty lady Dr.}.
Upon leaving, I see the widow whos husband used to own the D100.
I told Her that I had it, She was quite pleasantly surprised and wants to see it.
Her daughter, went to auto mech. tech school, She had restored three Chevelles and sold two, drove the other for a lot of years and eventually sold it too.
The widow wants to bring Her daughter by to look at it, possibly restore it too, only problem, the daughter struggles with depression, might be a good thing for Her to have something to do.
I told the lady that if Her daughter wants the truck that, I would put some tires on it that will hold air and, deliver it to wherever they want it, free, nada, zip, for money, I will even let the stainless molding that I have removed from it to go with it too.
She was even more surprised by the offer I let to Her, I told her that if nothing else that, Her daughter could remove parts and sell them, on ebay, F to F or, whatever She wants to do with it.
I even offerd to give them a hand with the restoration, if that is what they would do with it, even loan them some tools too.
So, for now, I will await for them to take a looksee at it, if they do`nt take it, I then will continue with the stripping job.LOL
so now, I wish the coil would show up for the Troy Bilt roto tiller.