new 85 c10
new user, bought this 85 c10 this weekend from a friend of the family, hasn't run in 3.5 years. motors been prettied up a bit. towed it 10 miles to my parents home with no power brakes(exciting but uneventful really) and started tinkering. noticed some wires hanging on exhaust manifolds, so i zip-tied them up. some were burnt pretty good, unfortunately. put fresh gas in the tank, carb, and dads battery from his cummins and it started right up, momentarily. did that a few times, then had to leave for my place, 450 miles away.
so the truck is at my parents, he called monday and said he had it running for 30 minutes, plugged a few air leaks, and asked how much i wanted for it haha.
been looking at wiring harnesses, as i think i might replace mine as everything seemed weak and many burned wires, (motor was swapped and wires weren't tidy and put away) does anyone know if i need to buy aftermarket gauges if i replace my engine wiring harness with something like painless, ezwiring, etc?
I would like to change wiring harness and keep original gauges.
I don't have great pics as i am so far away now and my brother only took a couple when i was there.
so, today i've been researching wiring harnesses and th400 to sm465 swaps, as every vehicle i own is standard.