Those painless harnesses are good, but expensive, and then when you go to them, you're not OEM any longer. I prefer to find good used OEM harnesses off of donor trucks like at a DIY parts yard. I can't help you with a harness. I have one for an 81, and that one is wiper switch on the dash and bright light switch on the floor. You need a harness with a multifuncion switch like the 84-86 and maybe even thru 89 for the hanress you need. I'm just not sure if the interior harness is different for the TBI trucks. I know it's different for underhood. Then the 91 harness I have has different connections and is for a Burb so it has alot more **** to it since Burbs have more options than pick ups, like more lights, doors, rear air and defrost etc.
If you can find a harness off an 84-86 I'd say it should very painless and should be an OEM swap.