Why no trucks? What's the difference between what a truck will tear up and what a Jeep will tear up? If, that is, that's what they're worried about. Environmentalists are declaring that off roading is destroying the land. Well, it's a little late to be complaining about the land being tore up since a lot of these trails have been in existance for decades. Where I live it's ATV's that absolutely wreck the trails in the woods. Those guys will rip through, where before was a nice nature trail, and I'm not saying anything about off roading in preference to walking trails, but you talk about ripping up the ground, what with super knobby tires on some of those "ATV's is just horrendous!
There was miles of woods behind where we used to live out in the country for many years. Seven miles to be exact, from my house all the way to the Texas border. By myself I cut a trail for several hundred yards through the woods so we could have a nature trail we could walk through. It was very nice for some time until, that is, the guys with these bad ass ATV's found it. After they were done ripping down the trail I made, for like a whole Summer put ruts down the length of it that had some places had ruts three feet deep. It was so bad you couldn't walk down the trail anymore. The way I made this trail, there was heavy undergrowth and small trees next to the trail you couldn't get through in many places. It took me a month to hack out everything down to the dirt so you could walk down it about five feet wide. I used a machete, a axe, a brush saw, shovel, and limb loppers. If I had a big tree in the way I went around it. So the trail was very windy. They didn't care.
When they destroyed this trail they left and didn't come back anymore. Thanks for destroying something that before everyone could enjoy, and after they were done no one could enjoy it anymore!