Hell yeah!
So many nice ones up here. If you were taking pics of every “I spy a squarebody” truck you see, your phone would run out of memory….
It’s not a total secret anymore though. Car hauler broker guy that I use, just shipped that old Dodge pickup back east and brought my son’s car home from Florida. I asked him how many old cars he sees coming out of the PNW and he said a good % of the hauls out of here are old cars and most of the hauls into this area are people of dealers shipping “normal” vehicles for other reasons.
Luckily it’s far enough away from the rust belt that it keeps the cheapskates away from snatching them up quicker.
Even with newer cars, if I lived in the rust belt again, I’d 100% just buy and ship out an “old” 15-20 year old truck to use as a winter beater. Run er for a few years and sell it rust free before the cancer pokes thru and repeat.
My sister in WI bought a 2012 F150 that I set her up with. From out here, lotsa miles. She couldn’t help but flip it for a healthy profit because even that era are now mostly rust buckets back there.
Trucks like your red Silverado, the few clean ones back there are obviously “summer vehicles” or imported recently. Half of the rest have flintstone pedals and the rust has already eaten past what you can cover with a Bushwacker cut out flare and the rest are junked by now due to rust.