I will preface this by saying I didn't read the entire thread and I'm not looking to buy a vehicle on craigslist. However one of the primary modes to advertise the farm stuff is on craigslist, mainly egg sales, chick sales, and this time of year turkey sales. I also take some free stuff from craigslist. Mainly farm stuff like metal fence posts, chicken feeders ect. But I also take stuff like pallets to use for various stuff and if I get to many free pallets I sell the extras. Sometimes a deal or something I can make use of or resell. I once took 1,000 of those retaining wall bricks. I did have a project which used about a 1/3 and then sold the rest.
My point, of late it's been terrible just getting guys GIVING stuff away to even respond and then I see their ads reposted. I don't get it, and yes I check my spam folder, but maybe they don't!
Also seems like stuff that has a responsive owner goes terribly fast these days.