I run a 195 degree thermostat and my aftermarket mechanical temp gauge shows that it settles in at about 190-195 almost all the time.
Editorial comment (it can be ignored) - In my opinion, switching to a 180 thermostat to fix overheating in the 210+ range is like your spouse setting the house temp at 80 to try to get the house warmed up faster. Using high flow or other improvement is better than using a lower temp thermostat.
I had issues with the engine running a little hot, and started out with a 195 degree high flow thermostat, high flow water pump, and severe duty fan clutch with the stock metal fan. That helped a lot, and it kept it from ever overheating. However, the final fix was switching to a Champion aluminum radiator after I accidently put a hole in the old radiator.
The only time I see it spike up to about 210 is if I’ve been running at highway speed and then slow down and stop at a light for a while. Even then it only takes a couple minutes for the fan clutch to reengage fully and it comes back to 195.