Good points.
But from the flywheel back it’s apples to apples.
Not advocating diesel per se based on
@Frankenchevy needs. And historically there is a pro-gasser sentiment from many in this forum, but even the mighty 8.1, new 6.6 GM gasser or 6.4 hemi or Godzilla motor will get absolutely walked by any new diesel or in this case an LB7/LLY/LBZ with a $300 tow tune. Add in altitude and slowing that load coming downhill and altitude will widen the gap made by the diesels skinny pedal. And an exhaust brake can be added for the other half of the arse whoopin.
I don't know about getting "walked on". Power is power, a lot of people have it in their mind that if something does a job at 2500 rpm, compared to 5000 rpm, that automatically means that it does it better. Just because an 8.1 or other gasser is winding out in rpm, doesn't mean it has a hard time while doing it.
The power between the two really is comparable. Yeah, the Duramax is going to make a little more power, but I sure as hell would hope so... it has a turbo for cripes sake. Also I will point out, the more one is tuned, the more it is going to eat parts. I would never ever buy a Duramax truck that has been tuned and hot rodded.
And just to put it out there, I am NOT pro-gasser. I am just realistic with that can be done for the money. There's two different Duramax trucks in the company that if the owner decides to offload them, you can bet your sweet biscuits that I'll have dibs on them. Hell, there was even an '09 F350 that I loved and it got sold off many years ago. If I could have afforded it at the time, I would have bought it.
Clean, stock diesel trucks are out there, you just have to know where to look. Stay away from the diesel forums, those are all beat like rented ******. The key is to buy them before the tuners get their hands on them.
I'd also venture to say most LB7/LLY/LBZ trucks at this point has had new injectors and or head gaskets done.
Also its a common misconception that all of the injectors need to be replaced at once. On an LB7 motor thats partially true because the labor sucks and the failure rate is near 100%. With my LLY I've replaced exactly one injector four years ago that I bought at carquest (GASP). It was in stock and has a good warranty. Zero issues so far. 300k miles and counting on that turd. Also the injectors can just be replaced. There is no need to tune or relearn.
The fuel filter isn't a big deal either. I buy the delco. I swap it once a year or so. Sometimes it's there for longer. Every oil change or every other is excessive and unnecessary.
Folks love to talk about the cost of maintaining a desiel to 300k and seem to forget the gas job also needs plenty of maintenance to survive. My work truck is a '19 one ton with a 6.0 gas.. thats had all sorts of work done to it with 195k on it, and I've put nearly every mile on it. Its never gotten better than 11 mpg, and drops to 6-7 with a mini-excavator on the trailer. The old dumpy LLY handles the load way better and gets that 11 mpg loaded.
Agreed. I put new injectors in our '03 many years ago, but not a single one has needed replacement since then.
However, a 6.0 gasser has no business in this discussion imho, lol.