took the boys and I out for a spin on Saturday morning for a little while. They were beyond excited when I asked them if they wanted to go.
It was Saturday morning and I'd been thinking about it since Friday afternoon. We'd just eaten breakfast and as usual they start asking what we're going to do today because they always want to keep moving and doing stuff. Anyhoot, I said "oh I don't know. Probably nothing" and I went off to the bathroom as they start to whine

I come back and the oldest one had gotten dressed already and I say everyone who is dressed gets to go for a truck ride let's go!!

I did this just teasing just to see what my 3 year old would do. He leaped off the couch and ran to his room as quick as he could. 10 seconds later he brought back shorts and a t-shirt to help him get dressed
They really had a good time and loved it. We mostly drove around town just cruisin but at one point we got on the highway for about 2 or 3 miles. As I was merging onto the highway I punched the gas, the truck roared and I looked over and my 5 year old was beaming from ear to ear with enjoyment. It was pretty funny. I have a feeling he's going to get a few speeding tickets when he gets older. I hope he has a good job to pay for them