Didn't do much for a while, Mrs has been having health problems, they discovered no platelets in her blood.
I've started back in, new 31s from Les Schwab yesterday and a clean bill of health for brakes, steering and suspension, which is mind blowing as the tires they replaced were installed in '07 and it sat for a good long time after that and I only replaced the drag link. Drives much better now.
Also working on pulling the interior from the second row back so I can repair the rockers and other small patches of rot. First time doing any sheet metal and 10 years since I welded anything, but you only live once.
Had to fight the seat belt bolts - tried penetrating oil, heat, a big breaker bar, big impact and only succeeded in deforming several T50 sockets and throwing tools like a three year old. Took a drill to the driver side one and, even after drilling, still had to unscrew it with channel locks. I won, but at what cost?!

Also been planning how I want to approach fixing the beast up. Looking at trying to fit or fabricobble an 88-94 dash and door panels (heavily modded), 4 captains chairs for the interior. Going to buy an 07 or newer Yukon or similar at the salvage auction and steal the powertrain, electronicals, maybe a bunch of other bits like the hvac system. $5000 for a 383 from Blueprint, or $5000 for a half decent 6.0, transmission, all the modules, fuel system and yada, yada. Seems like a no brainer, plus I can drive the donor while I take the Suburban apart.