So I called the trans parts guy over the weekend to let him know the kit was missing the intermediate clutches. I got an email yesterday that a package was on the way. The guy didn't even call me back! Crazy... I guess he figured I was pissed and didn't want to talk to me...
Anyhoo they should be here today. I'm trying to stay on track to have the trans back in the truck this weekend. I went a touch bigger on the 2nd and 3rd feeds, but I think I still kept it pretty conservative. TransGo said I should keep the 3rd feed stock for Range 2 (trucks etc), but I measured it and compared to their recommended size for Range 3 (Hot Rods - You want it Firm) and found there was a huge range. So I split the difference, erring on the small side. Hopefully it gives me a nice, positive shift that does not bang too much.
Of course over the weekend my stove let go on me. So I had to pull the seats out of the Burb so I can go get a craigslist stove... This on top of my roof still being f'd up from Irma - and don't forget how 75% of my privacy fence is gone from that same big bitch...
Man when it rains it pours. I should be posting this in the rant thread!