when you see the auctions for the vortecs or craigslist ads you should get the castings, and see if you can narrow them down to find the cc of them, like see if you can find the 305 style 58cc ones or whatever. They might claim them to be 350 heads but have the small cc as said above any small block heads gonna fit on a small block, so check the numbers and see if you can find more info on them. You may find a set that say they are 350 heads but be the exact specs that the 305 had like small cc and such. I'd like to find a cheap set of vortec's for the 350 in my old man's 84, he's got like 76cc chambers and dished pistons so he has low CR and I want to bump it up for some more powah. I aint found any vortec's anywhere close to me for less then $300 a set, and most were online and auctions, so they could go up and shipping would have to be added on.