Wish I could respond accordingly...
Take my word for it.
Pay-outs on claims is subject to review and denied claims will escalate for the next decade over anything they can refuse.
A major risk analysis hurdle has just been bench-marked.
Compulsory payments and coverage is about to move into compulsory denial of claims over anything an adjuster can imagine.
The industrial Re-Insurance consolidation era is upon us.
If you drive OBD2, your driving speed will be resurrected from the computer to ruin your claim. If you are connected to the constellation, you will be monitored in real time.
Your claim will be denied before you even hit another vehicle.
The WEF is demanding a global vote to ban gasoline engines.
I just submitted the report to Summit Racing three days ago.
"Here's the "tell"".
Came out in a report online.
I will not re-post the entire article, and here's the "tell":
In addition to this, the White Dragon Society proposes replacing the current UN Security Council with a new grouping. The idea would be to have representatives from seven regions decide matters affecting the entire planet by majority vote. The regions proposed are Africa, the Americas (North and South), China, East Asia excluding China but including Oceania, Europe including Russia, India and the Muslim world.
Vetoes would be limited to the region doing the vetoing. So for example, "" if the majority decided the ban gasoline vehicles "", the Muslim world could use its veto to continue producing such vehicles in their region. Each of these regions would also have their own future planning agencies.
The Western Military industrial complex would be subject to this new council and would also be subject to international law under this proposal..."
**This link was not supposed to copy as a video link and has been edited...
This vote could take place and ban all gasoline engines under a continuity or government event due to insurance solvency default. Just around the time the entire global steel industry consolidates.
It's always been about STEEL. NOT OIL.
A freight train car of oil only holds so many BTU's to create steel. The rail car is made out of and rides on rails made of WHAT?
mtbadbob STEEL rules the World.
(... and whomever controls the market for pain medication.)
So basically, for the last 60 years:
Whomever controls pain meds to the masses, ...controls Steel and rules the world.
How's that for extreme?
Soon it will all come down to the energy in a humble glass of water.
Water will rule the Hydrogen Energy world in your lifetime, if you are under 40 years of age and live to 90.
Hydrogen energy production requires Steel.
"Stealing from the insured", (to hoard cash for the insurance and steel consolidation), is what wars shall be fought over.