Here’s another power window trick, I just remembered that works for a lot of different vehicles and saves a lot of misery.
1: make marks on the old motor and regulator that indicate relative position to one another, after removing them from the door shell while they are still bolted together.
2:Once you install the regulator on the new motor, put marks on the new motor in the same place they were on the old motor.
3: Connect the door shell wiring harness for the window motor to the window motor, but leave the motor/regulator assembly outside the door shell when you do it.
4: Hit the up/down button for whatever door you are repairing. Move the regulator assembly until the marks you made on the regulator earlier line up with the marks on the new motor. Be careful not pinch yourself in the regulator assembly during this step.
5: Unplug the motor and reinstall in door shell and plug back in. If you did the previous steps correctly, the regulator mounting holes/studs should all line up perfectly and you shouldn’t have to move anything.