Well, I haven't gotten the service update, but it was my understanding from reading about it, that they had changed this in the updated ATSG supplement manual. I did not read it, as I don't have it so I cannot confirm it for sure, but that was what I found when looking around about info on this tranny.
Here's some info from PATC
They obviously have strong opinions about stuff, but I like to read what builders have to say, with a multitude of counselors, there is safety (and a lot of disagreement I have found) I read them all, and try to make a descision based on the explanations, if I can understand them..
I used these guys, and bulk part for my parts, and did a lot of reading..
What I ended up deciding was to use the Sonnax boost valve, Transgo separator plate, and pinless accumulators, corvette servo, and updated intermediate servo, along with a master kit with the Alto red clutch pack. Also, for some reason my pressure manifold came all apart when I took it off the valve body, it was like the plastic was brittle, just cracked all up, you guys ever see that before? The orings, and plastic vovers for the electronic buttins all stayed on the valve body, and the rest like cracked up, so I bought another one. Looked like I might be able to reuse it if I put the orings back in place, but I didn't want to take a chance on it leaking..
Now, I did not think about buying new springs for the 3-4 clutch pack, maybe I should do that before I button it all up. I am in the middle of re-assembly, yes, I am slow, I take my time, and I only have about a 1/2 hour per night (3 kids that I read to and put to bed, since this is the only time I see them all day- then it's me and wife time) and most of that time get's taken up looking for where I set down that screwdriver or whatever
.. You guys really think new springs are needed? I am figuring I am pretty much overkilling this thing as it is, since it clearly got fried by being low on fluid, and only the 3-4 clutch pack was bad. I just nuked and paved I guess