Oh okay, since I can see my door jamb switch from the ground under the cab and its not even pinned against the door on the driver door I will chalk that up to not gonna work for a while Lollll. I was considering getting another and moving it to a spot that is still.... not rusted out, because the driver door not turning it on sucks. Pass will, switch will. But the switch also turns on the heater control light and that is currently has an LED and just hangs in the dash board and usually blinds me. I would be wise to buy a new heater thing and reattach cables after unseizing em and stuff.. but considering it only has to ever be on or off and the fan switch and the on-off switch I wired into the power wire handle heat and the cables just stay in hot and defrost. well, the defrost one is seized but the hot-not cable works :O LOL
If the wires are long enough I should reroute or maybe just put the door jamb on a rocker and that way I can leave the door open without worry since I have to do the Lift and sometimes flip the door latch down because it flips up and then bashes into the striker. Poor cab