Craiglist Lesson : So this guy lists a Tow DOLLY for $125 and some other things. I emailed about the Tow DOLLY, asking if its a homemade jerry rigged unit, or is it manufacactured. The guy didn't put a locaction, DUH, had to ask 3 times before I finally got that, although I knew it was a distance cuz of the area code. So its about 70 miles from me. Being its 70 miles, and its manufactured, for $125, I'll still go get it. Used around here they go for about $500 for a decent one, so this is a steal. So I tell him, I am coming from OKC and would like a pic and if its what I think it is, I'll run to the bank, be on my way and there in an hour and a half. He calls me back and asked if I got the pic yet. I said NO, then said, well tell me about it and if it sounds like what I want then I'll just come get it. He says all this crap, then I ask about fenders. He says no, it don't need no fenders, it ain't got no wheels. LMAO, I said, Ohhhhhhhhhhh so this is a tow BAR, not a tow DOLLY. He says, NO MAN, this is a damn TOW DOLLY with chains and everything you need to hook up and tow a car. I had to laugh, and while laughing, I said, sir, I already have a TOW BAR, but I want a TOW DOLLY now, and TOW DOLLY has wheels and ramps with tire straps. He said **** YOU and hung up on me. Probably cuz he was pissed cuz I was laughing my ass off. Needless to say, I saved myself about 3 hours time and $45 in gas and being pissed off for a few days. Instead of being pissed off, I think I about laughed til I pissed my pants, and I laughed even harder when the guys said F you and hung up on me. LMAO Dumb redneck idiot !!!