Wow, we don't have that BS here. You fill out some forms, send to the tax commision who handles auto registration. Publish in public records you are seeking title of said vehcile and VIN, and if noone responds in 30 days, and you are in possesion of the vehicle, and its not reported stolen, then you get the clear title to it right then. Takes about 6-8 weeks. Just like a friggin rebate in the mail. Here is the cool thing about it, and many times people will do Title 42 just to get out of the fees. Once you get the Title 42, the tag startes all over. So no excise tax, no penalties, no catching up back tags or nothing. Its starts over as if you were the original owner and just bought it new. It also gets a new title # assigned to the vehicle. SEE, OK is good for some crap. Like shooting intruders in or out of your house. Just don't shoot them in the back and you're good. No draggin the body inside here in OK. We don't like criminals here. Cheaper to shootem and bag'm then feed'm and try them by jury.