If you don’t know that, then great chance the rear brakes are loose and causing a lot of pedal travel (fluid) before engaging. Also if they are not new adjuster wheels, should disassemble them, clean and lube the threads as a matter of course so the brakes can adjust easily and properly over time.
# of threads not being the same side to side is not an accurate indicator on anything except maybe new drums and shoes both sides, but still not how to judge proper adjustment.
Rears should be adjusted until they hang just slightly and then back off just a bit.
This is very sound advice.
Get the rear brakes adjusted up properly. Don't matter if the adjusters are out a different amount, could be a lot of reasons and none of them matter.
Once the rear brakes are adjusted properly you should have a good brake pedal.
If you still have a soft pedal after getting the rears adjusted properly then there is either air still left in the lines or the master is defective. Also I will just add that gravity bleeding is ok, but not always 100%, you can sometimes get air trapped in places and it doesn't want to come out without pressure.
So if I were you I'd
#1. Get the rear brakes adjusted up
If pedal is still to soft
#2. Bleed the brakes with an assitant pumping the pedal.
If pedal is still to soft
#3. Get the master cylinder exchanged at the parts store because it must be bad out of the box.
Good luck, hopefully you just need to adjust the brakes.