Haha im giddy.
Robyn I quit doin that a long time ago.. 1993-2005? I manufacture the pressure for fun now.
Does that make sense? Honda is the daily...cant be down?
Im reminded of changing oil in a pit..you'd think that would be miserable and nobody wants to do that job but I miss the crap out of it sometimes.- I run the patrol cars through the same Valvoline I worked a year and a half in the pit at. Here's the best part...."back in my day", we had to put
GREASE in the suspension..we dropped transmission pans like it was goin out of style -and we LIKED IT.
I didn't realize it actually was,(goin out of style) it all happened so fast. I had a great time whippin out 45 cars a day in a triple pit . In highschool lol. Sweatin like that - bouncin on and off them walkways man , prolly get maimed or otherwise gimped up today lmao.
I was a full service mechanic all through my 20s. I fixed cars when they were still cool. Required deduction and you had to THINK about it and It was fun.. It WAS challenging. Good cars and Good times!
Now the coworkers and cars are all junk.
Puff puff pass.
I quit flaggin hours partly because I couldn't stand working in squalor like most mechanics do.
Dude says :
"It don't pay to sweep the floor."
**** off.
That guy is a Loser!

Its NOT the mark of good co-workers and I applied to places wanting an hourly wage so I could stay busy.
It's a great example now i'm thinkin about it ... I was losing interest about the time grease zerks disappeared from trucks. Ford Tough means your ball joints squeak?
**** that **** im done.
YOU FIX IT. Customer. You bought a piece of ****. Look I know
how but It's not my destiny.
Im over it.