Recent content by matt4426

  1. M

    BBC 489 build

    Check out clay smith cams. Just what you're looking for.
  2. M

    Looking for a replacement frame/ chassis for my ‘86 K30

    Not on this forum that I know of. It's a business located in central PA. He buys up CUCV K30s and parts them out. He also builds axles and does drivetrain work. He has a stack of nice K30 frames for sale. I bought my SRW K30 rolling chassis from him.
  3. M

    Looking for a replacement frame/ chassis for my ‘86 K30

    Hillbilly Wizard in central PA has stacks of K30 frames for sale.
  4. M

    Bypass hose

    See picture: The heater core pressure line comes off upstream of the "closed" thermostat and allows coolant flow before the thermostat opens.
  5. M

    Bypass hose

    I think the heater core coolant circuit does the same thing as bypass hose on BBC.
  6. M

    Timing light recommendations

    That's a pretty big cam. It will probably like alot of initial advance. You running vacuum advance?
  7. M

    Timing light recommendations

    2nd the Innova dial back timing light. The light is very bright. The dial back feature is way nicer than trying to use a degree sticker that always flies off the balancer. O'reillys and other auto parts stores carry them in stock.
  8. M

    Mark IV 454 Engine Build

    I would go with what ever domed pistons you need for 10:1 comp ratio and a hydraulic roller cam with intake duration in the mid 200s at .050".
  9. M

    Heatercore to transmission problems.

    Vacuum modulator hose fall off?
  10. M

    Wiring harness options

    I just did my 79 K30 with American Auto Wire kit #510347. Came out great. The alternator power wiring and main cab power arrangement is much better than the stock setup. Hardest part was mastering the old delphi-packard crimp connectors.
  11. M

    Engine Carbon Cleaning

    Do an Italian tuneup.
  12. M

    Gas Gauge pegs at E

    I would check the wiring from the tank up to the gauge first.
  13. M

    Gas Gauge pegs at E

    Positive wire from sending unit top terminal to fuel gauge is grounded. If you pull the positive wire off the top terminal the gauge should read way past full.
  14. M

    Frame bracket for z bar

    There is one on ebay right now for $50. Item number is 225622349801.
  15. M

    Oil Leak to Header Pipe

    Can't tell for sure but its either the oil cooler port or the oil pressure sending unit port.

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