Recent content by Disco

  1. Disco

    Show your daily driver

    This is Ivy. She's a really clean 95 VW Cabrio.
  2. Disco

    Ruh roh Raggy! I hear you knocking…

    It was the inspection cover or something inside the bell housing. All I know is it was a quick fix.
  3. Disco

    Ruh roh Raggy! I hear you knocking…

    I put on a new Holley Q-jet and had her running pretty well. Just needed some fine tuning. Then the ignition switch disintegrated. All of the plastic in this truck is JUNK. Now that I have some money and it’s not hotter than the fires of damnation, I’ll probably get out there and swap out the...
  4. Disco

    Ruh roh Raggy! I hear you knocking…

    Nope. Muncie 4-speed. And it was the inspection cover.
  5. Disco

    Ruh roh Raggy! I hear you knocking…

    He had you add a fuel regulator on a carb? I would suspect a needle and seat or a float if a carb is flooding, unless you added an electronic fuel pump with a higher output that the mechanical pumps. If you are using a mechanical pump, the needle and seat should be enough to stop fuel flow, as...
  6. Disco

    Sliding rear window gasket?

    So the aluminum brightwork window in the Big10 there at the bottom is dealer option style? That looks like what mine has.
  7. Disco

    Sliding rear window gasket?

    I know this is an old thread, but I have a question. My 78 needs the rubber, felts, and latch replaced. I also picked up a slider off an 80s model from a scrap yard. I see rubbers like the one above that state "fits 84-91 OE sliders", so my question is this: Is there a difference between 73-83...
  8. Disco

    Ruh roh Raggy! I hear you knocking…

    this is my life... lol
  9. Disco

    Ruh roh Raggy! I hear you knocking…

    @JBswth, it was the inspection cover, apparently. They pulled the cover to check inside the bell housing area, found nothing of concern, put the cover back, started the engine to use a stethoscope to track the sound, and the sound was gone. The only thing we can think is the cover was put on in...
  10. Disco

    Carb question

    Do you have a picture or two of how this is done? Will I need to purchase a OP switch? I’ve seen a few threads around about converting Q-jet divorced to electric choke. Is that what we’re talking about?
  11. Disco

    Carb question

    And that’s it? There’s nothing else to do converting from divorced to electric?
  12. Disco

    Carb question

    I’m gonna revive this with another question. @Paladin, since you encouraged getting a Holley, maybe you can help. Everyone else, feel free to chime in… I’m replacing the tired slobberjet with a new Holley 4175 Q-jet style unit. It has an electric choke. I need a suggestion of where to look for...
  13. Disco

    Ruh roh Raggy! I hear you knocking…

    I’d love to have some car friends around.
  14. Disco

    Ruh roh Raggy! I hear you knocking…

    She’s home. It was the inspection cover of all things. They went to go scope it. They took off the cover, the noise went away. They put the cover back on and it stayed away. Thank you, everyone, for your suggestions and help!

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