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      YakkoWarner replied to the thread Parting 85 GMC.
      Do you still have the under-hood components for the cruise control (possibly not if it was engine swapped). I have all the under-dash...
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      Its one of the things I am missing!!! Ricko is right, it is part of the cruise control system - its a vacuum actuator that (when...
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      I grabbed an old Sears tach/dwell/voltage tester from a thrift store last year for the whopping sum of $4.00. Some wires were chewed up...
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      YakkoWarner replied to the thread Gas in Oil!?.
      Can you get just a generic metal can filter with a simple barb on each end? My current British project has the glass filter (and...
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      YakkoWarner replied to the thread Gas in Oil!?.
      I experienced this twice - once on a large GM 4 door car and once on a Jeep with a 2.5L GM engine. In both cases, the diaphram on the...
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      If it is actuallly a black copper wire and not the optical lead mentioned above, good chance it is a ground (possibly for all the...
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      YakkoWarner replied to the thread headlight/seat belt buzzer.
      I get irritated by the old-school seat belt buzzers because sometimes I just want to sit in the truck with the heat or AC on and not be...
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      I have both a Hobart MIG and a PrimeWeld for TIG. I'm not real good with the TIG at this point, but have had very limited opportunity...
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      I thought I had a problem with my ignition module ground - I put a small ring terminal on a length of wire, put that under one of the...
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      YakkoWarner replied to the thread Changing brake fluid.
      I may start doing this on my Suburban if/when it comes back from the shop. It got a pretty solid front brake system flush when I did...
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      YakkoWarner replied to the thread Stolen!.
      When I had to drive my British convertible to work in a less-than-steller area of the city I lived in at the time, I would disconnect...
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      I have never been able to successfully vacuum-bleed anything on any vehicle. Gravity bleeding has worked sometimes if you can get it...
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      YakkoWarner replied to the thread AFR GAUGE addition?.
      Now I want to know more about this MGB race car........
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      I suppose a well hidden Apple Airtag type device would work as well if the stolen vehicle moved through a populated enough area for the...
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      I used to use CB's a lot when I did more road travel, and when I lived in Virginia and had a boat on the bay. It was (and still is)...
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