The wife's square, her big Burb. It's been shedding clear and paint like crazy, so we finally decided to do something about it, since it lives outside. I WAS hoping to have paint on it before I might have to leave town next week, but OF COURSE my brand new 60gal Grizzly compressor went kaput.

If I'm lucky, and take my time, I can at least get the epoxy sealer coat on with my little 33gal Craftsman. That's gonna suck. lol Old guy at the local autobody supply kinda cringed when I showed him pics. Said he's seen the original E-coat primers lift sometimes, when exposed to the new epoxy solvents? It was peeling worse on the left side, but since the silver was on top of the red on the right side, pretty sure that side has been resprayed before. Sooooo.... getting as close to bare metal as my sanity can handle.
At this point, I'll just be happy to get it in primer, even if I do have to sand and re-shoot later. Been roughing the paint off with one of the Harbor Freight surface conditioning drum sanders, and with the compressor down..... cleaning it up with electric orbitals. Blah. Still, not too shabby for a couple afternoons of making a mess.