Yeah I definitely don't like guys with "LET'S F***" tattoos on their hands, bald-faced liars, and junkyard goons who casually talk about murdering people and hiding their bodies in their junkyard. But you're right - I'm definitely the "bad guy" for expecting a modicum of common decency from mechanics.
I gotta jump on this one.
I am not a mechanical idiot, but I am not an engine rebuilder, either.
So, if I go to a mechanic I am going ( usually ) because I don't know what the problem is, or I feel it is beyond my skill level and paying someone that knows how (carb rebuild, trans rebuild ), or some combo there of makes sense.
So -
When the trans was puking fluid into the transfer case on Goldie last year, and I knew I did not have the strength, or desire, to fark with it in the driveway, I took it to my transmission guy.
Fixed right the 1st time for a reasonable price.
I had some weird front end issues since I have had the truck, and got sick of it.
Took it to the mechanics that did the engine on the wifes truck.
Lots of experimenting, a big bill, and in the end someone taking care to do a good alignment did the most.
What I wanted ? Caster shims.
What I got was a guy telling me that among other things was that my steering column was all worn out.
Umm, okay - I politely laughed and explained that I used to rebuild these for a living and that there were 4 bolts that needed tightening and I was just too lazy to get to it yet.
It's that kind of stuff that pisses me off- that "worn out column" (not) has zero effect on how the front end feels.
It was , however, an attempt to suck more money out of a customer that apparently had been deemed a cash cow.
Don't ******** me.
If there is a real problem, tell me.
If there is something down the road that needs to be addressed, advise me.
Other than that, fix the 1 problem that I brought it in for, treat me right, and in the end you will probably get more down the road business than if you played games initially.
My transmission guy?
Yeah - he's got whatever business I need to give him for as long as he is open.
The others ?
What if I did not have a column background?
You can't paint all people with the same brush, but you have to sort through a fair amount of **** to find the gold mine when dealing with people in general.
Goddam, that may be my longest rambling post here yet ...

Long story - I can see both sides.