Look for a "small parts kit" on ebay?
I messaged a seller in there, never got a response back as to wether them washers is in there.
I finally found some, suppose to be real good used ones for five apiece, I ordered two sets, I plan on keeping this thing for a lot of years so figured I had better have some spares.
I`ll go back into ebay and message someone else or two and see if they will be able to tell Me if those washers is in there.
I did find a transfer case at the scrapeers yard, hanging on a TH350, it was a 205 I think. started cleaning off where there might suppose a tag to be and got called aff as one of the employees had drug it out there for themselves.I`m suppose to check back when I can and see if it is a haseable thing or not.
had one shift lever and the two shift shafts connected together, I`m not familiar with looking at transfer cases and recognizing what they are so I`m screwed there.
Another guy in town has one, He claims He just kitted, a 205, and wants 500 for it. fugggg, I just can not afford that, He said to stop by and Maby Mine *********`ll get Him down to affordable. LOL I`ll see.
Now though, I will continue on with the 203 rebuild and posting as I go. I have a bunch of pics. and hopefully can remember the order they comes in.