I presume you did use heat sink grease? Also, the screws that hold the module in complete a ground circuit for the module. Don't use rusty ones.
I did - it came in a tube with the new ( made in USA !!!

) Borg Warner module. The original was the original - had GM on it in outline letters.
The screws did not look bad - the brown (?) connector on the passenger side of the module looked a little iffy ( the one the module just slides into ) but it was dark, I was working by trouble light, and I could be wrong.
Got my exercise pushing ( letting her roll ) down the driveway, manhandling the steering, and then fighting like a sumbish to turn the wheel while she was stopped so I could then push her back, then turn the wheel, then forward, then back ...
At around 4:55 this morning - good times.
Natch, there was a car behind her on the other side of the street the way I needed to turn.
Want to see if OReallys can test the OE one - maybe it is a wiring issue, and if so, maybe it's the connector I mentioned. If so, maybe the answer is a new distributor. Maybe.