So was the case broke? If so, did he drop it or something?
If there's nothing wrong, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night without calling the poor sap and letting him know, lol.
We did the transaction by email, and I deleted all the email. I wanted to let him know. And now, even though his house is only about 6 miles away, he's tangled up in one of those new neighborhoods and I can't remember, if it was 2 lefts and 3rd right, or 3rd right 1st left, 2nd right etc.

I'd love to let the guy know, not to rub it in, but because he's gonna be surpised when he finds a new trans and a new driveshaft isn't going to get his truck moving again.
Yes, the case is broke. The bellhousing is cracked, and a chunk is missing, that you can tell was missing previously, but it wasn't on a bolt hole. The guy had told me when he was starting to remove the trans and he'd have it out in about an hour. I've seen this damage before. He dropped it out of the truck and off the jack that cracked the bellhousing beyond use. I could tell by his email, he was pretty upset about our deal being off cuz of the cracked bellhousing. Then when I said, let's do it. I have plenty of 700r4's so I don't mind helping out, and I have a few Th400 cases and short a few hard parts, so I'm all good with it. You could tell, he felt bad, as if he knew he was getting the better deal, and asking me, you want this driveshaft too, I won't need it, you can have it, and it has 2 new U-joint in it. And it did. It has 1 special U joint in it, that I can press out and still use, and the back U Joint, I can use in my K1500 I'm pretty sure, not to mention a 32 spline yoke that will work on my NP208's and NP205's so hell yeah I took the dshaft too.
Oh, and I got the convter too. It's nice and tight, fluid is clean as can be, so I'm sure it's probably good too. I don't think I'll chance it though. That may have been reused on the previous build and no telling what's in it, but it's the good core. I also have him a 700r4 converter core.