I thought it was mostly cool because of its' age. Original Torker...kinda pimp and "period correct" for our trucks.
My SS runs a Weiand 7546 and always has but I am SERIOUSLY thinking about switching to a STRIP DOMINATOR.
It runs a 670 street avenger and I've got a line on a 770 , but I can't talk myself into it. Pretty sure I'll switch intakes. I built that engine in 2003? and my current combo is good for 12.78, LoL. 100 runs in a row, 12.78. Something has to change or I'll never see 12.5@100 (which has always been the goal).
It just depends. Ima swap gears first and I'm almost willing to bet that going from 3.73 to 4.56 will git r dun. I run out of second gear some 200 feet off the traps and have to shift, it kills me.
Besides the point. Cool intake!! If Babe was a hot rod I would definitely run that.
Here's a cool article I found the other day.