And many have no shame in that game either. I had a customer once, He nosed in a parking spot with a broken RIGHT ball joint. Tire fell down and clearly there was damage to the fender. I was in my self loader. Being it was nosed in, I would have had to of had a jack to lift the wheel back upright even to put it in dollies. And I didn't trust that in a dolly. So I called bossman and said, Hey, send a RB over here and I'll show the driver how to load a broken ball joint without any secondary damage. He says, why not just dolly it. I said, it's nosed in, and I don't have a jack to stand the wheel up, drop dollies to get it out, then take it off the dollies, hook up in the front, then re drop the dollies in the rear, so just send a ******' rollback dude, I'm not stupid. So he asks for the PO #. He gets the PO off the fax machine that the dispatcher had sent me on. He instantly recognized the name and model of car. He called me back, and said WE'RE NOT TOWING THAT ****** CAR. I asked why? He said look at the left side fender of that car and tell me if there is any damage. So I did. I said, uhh yeah as a matter of fact it looks just like the right side does now, it looks he lost a ball joint on that side and damaged the fender so now they match. My manager says, yes, this asshole filed a damage claim on us 3 months ago for $700 saying we damaged his fender during the tow of his car, when the driver had already pointed out to him the damage was done, so you tell that guy he'll have to call back and get another dispatch for a different company. I was so fukin pist. I told the manager, I got this, I'll handle it. BYE. I told the customer, So what has happened now, you filed a damage claim for $700 that was NOT our fault, and cost OUR DRIVER $700 who makes $500 a week, so he worked for 1.5 weeks for FREE to pay for damage claim, and NOW, the motorclub is NOT going to cover the tow for your car. He mumbled and made claims the driver made it worse blah blah blah, and I said, well funny both sides look identical and I haven't laid a damn hand on this car, let alone a piece of equipment and I damn sure not going to pay for fake ass damage claims out of my check nor am I going to let any of my tow truck driving brothers in OKC for any company at all, so good luck with that. Have a great day, and BTW, since the left ball joint went bad already, you should have known the right side was close behind. I took pictures of both sides of the fenders, called up Agero myself, gave them the PO #, and told them what happened on the other claim and to look up his history, they found it. I told them what I told the guy, that Agero WILL NOT pay for your tow due to a fraudelent or baseless damage claim that he'd have to call his own tow truck. The insurance company, I think Liberty Mutual if I recall correctly and wanted to know what was up and why we told the customer that. I told the guy about it, told him I have pics to prove it. I sent them to the guy via cell phone. All I got back was Thank You, I understand and agree, we'll be dropping his towing coverage since it's not going to do him any good now. Got back to the yard and manager was flippin' the hell out and wanted to know wth I told the customer and Agero.

I told him and he said, that's outside your authority. I told him when it comes to me paying for fake damage claims and any other driver, or my buddies and tow brothers, it damn sure is my ****** authority and if you don't like it, take the phone from me and I'll never talk to Agero again, and further you can fire me. So the owner was there too. He told the manager, I agree, but a fork in that lowlife ******. I told the manager so I think you owe Derek $700, was now an ex employee because he got sick of paying for damage claims.