Unless the check ball seating locations are heavily worn and/or plate warped, damaged it should be reusable. I wouldn't buy any parts before you get it apart and on the bench...This way you can inventory everything you need and buy only those parts, unless this is your only vehicle...If that's the case, have a composite pan gasket (no cork), a set of valve body gaskets (case-spacer plate and spacer plate-valve body), a detent solenoid, in case the original was not replaced when it was rebuilt last, perhaps a few spare 1/4 check balls in case you lose one or two and filter o-rings (there should be two o-rings on the case side of the filter's pick up tube).
If you're very careful, the valve body gasket set that's on there now should be reusable; same for the pan gasket if it's not cork or standard rubber.
If you do find that one or more check ball seating locations are very worn out, you can repair the plate using Fitzall's plate repair kit and a 1/4" drill bit.
This video shows the process/procedure...The plate shown is out of a 4L60E but that kit will service all plates that use 1/4 check balls.