No, my son is all good. He was raised, Birds of a feather, he don't hang with hood rats, jail birds and druggies.
This guy I live with was a friend of a friend. He's into Squares, wrenching and such so we hit it off pretty well. When I sold my house, he talked me into moving in to be his "Live In Aid". I said, Nawww, I don't wipe asses. He explained, NO man, it's just mowing the yard, doing the grocery shopping and ****. That's it. So in lieu of cheap rent and a place I could keep my dogs, I did it. Worse thing I coulda done. All his friends happen to be jail birds, drunks and losers. He himself is a drunk and drinks every other day. Starts at about 4 or 5 am with whatever beer was left over from the last drunk, then he white knuckles it til 6am and I'm going to the store to get the first 18 or 30 pack for the day and his first 5 pack of Black & Milds. He'll usually need another 18 or 30 by 5pm or so. That'll get him till about midnight or 1am, then he'll go to bed and sleep all of the next day. So it's 1 day drunken stuper, next day peace and quiet. Today is a drinkin' day. He's been **** faced since about 11am. Hasn't fallen out of his wheelchair yet today, so it's been a good day so far. He hasn't broke anything of mine either yet, so we're doing real good today.
He wonders why he's always broke. He's on SSI, gets $750 a month. Section 8 pays most of the rent for him. So what I pay him more than covers all the extra rent Section 8 don't pay plus all the utitlies, I buy all the groceries, cleaning supplies, laundry supplies, ass wipe and even his damn deodorant, soap and toothpaste **** for his bathroom and he's still broke. All he has to pay is $50 a month for cell phone, and $55 a month in insurance on his truck. That's it. But he's broke. Well, when you spend $43-$50 a day on Beer and Black and Milds every other day of the month that's $645 - $750 a month. He's missing a leg, has 2 different fake legs but refuses to use. He's a lazy **** that has given up on life and just going to drink til he dies. He doesn't leave the house. He tries sometimes drunk to go hit the drive through convenience store for more beer if he's pist at me and don't want to ask me to go, but I don't allow it. He'll kill someone. So yeah, I have to babysit the ****** cuz he'll drive and kill someone, burn the house down or tear my **** up as he's done alot of. Not great conditions.