You'll need the ac system running, fully charged and a decently warm day. Connect your gauges and watch low side press. Raise engine rpm to 2500 or so and watch As the low side(really suction side)drop, if low pressure falls below the set cut off point, the switch will open the circuit and turn off the compressor around 35psi.
I turn that little flathead counter clockwise about quarter turn for a lower cut off around 25-28psi.
Keep in mind this is just fine tuning for your ac system, it's not absolutely necessary to mess with this,your ac will work regardless. Much more important to have the correct charge for your system overall. Adjusting this only helps to prevent the compressor cycling on/off to much on cooler days like if you're using defroster on a rainy day and to prevent freezing over in cold climate. On a hot day with system under load your low side pressure should stay around 40/45. Far above the cut off point anyway.