Well, no big updates on this thing because my oldest has just been driving it and I've just been trying to keep it humming down the road. THEN, came yesterday. The morning after our first night of wintery weather. He was heading to church with 2 of his brothers riding along. He wasn't doing anything stupid and was driving slow for the condition but the inevitable happened. Going up an incline he hit a slick patch fishtailed a bit and ended up in the ditch. He and his brothers were ok other than just shook up from their first accident and my oldest had a bruised ego

So THAT's good and I was thankful for that. As for the truck, she's definitely fixable. Tire popped off the wheel but I got that taken care of yesterday afternoon and the truck is at least drivable again. No frame damage that I noticed. Needs new bumper, fender, rocker and door for sure, though. Last night I tracked down a new bumper and "new to me" fender on FB marketplace so those were purchased and picked up. I ordered a rocker and a few other misc items off LMC. Grabbed a cab corner, too, not knowing what I'll find as I cut out the crunched rocker to patch in the new rocker. ANYHOOT, the holy grail that I can't seem to track down is a door

All options I'm coming across I have to drive 3 to 4 hours to get and I don't have time for that at the moment between work and other holiday scheduled items. Anyone have any ideas? LMC only sells lower patch panels for doors and I'm not aware of anyone else who sells S10 parts. May have to just keep looking and if I haven't found anything by the end of the year plan on taking a road trip somewhere.
Anyhoot, that's an update on the latest saga. She's overall been a flawless, reliable truck and my son has done well with it. No complaints at all. I guess I just need to stock up on doors when I find them! LOL
I'll try and grab some pics, if I can.