The rear blocks measure 5 1/2 in in the center (theyre sloped front to rear), I don't know the front lift cuz its just a spring, im running 35,s and fenders are not cut so its gotta be bigger than 2 or 4 in lift I think,,,,
The problem is getting worse,,,its a loud clunk and it now happens when im driving straight on a flat street in 2wd,,,,it drives really smooth,,,no drivetrain vibration at all,,,,then all of a sudden theres a loud clunk or clank like someone hit the tranny with a large hammer,,,,,happens at any speed,,,slow or even on the freeway at 65 same thing,,,,strange it doesn't slow down or drag at all when it happens,,,,i even hit the gas hard when it happened tryin to break it but it just runs smooth after,,,,and now its clankin twice like once then again right after then is smooth again for a while,,,
im gonna start looking for a replacement t case,,,hopefully get a good one before I tear my apart,,,,ill post pics whenever I can find out what the hell is broke,,,,