When we ordered Kooper's(Grandson) hood for his S10, I was worried, too. The box came ,FEDEX, looked great so we didn't open it for a day or 2. Got it out of the box and it had a fairly large dent in the right cowl area. Grandmother(my Bride) was pi$$ed, she had a deal with Koop for payment on the hood. She got on the phone to Summit and reamed the poor gal who answered, they had another one sent out that afternoon! Told them we wanted to be there when the shipment arrived, that didn't work. We got back from a shopping trip and there was the box, beat to heck and we were afraid to open it. Got it out to the shop opened it up and it was fine!!! Good ending for a fairly expensive ordeal and we got to keep the original damaged hood. Got a good friend that knows body work and he straightened it I sold it on Craigslist for 2/3rds of the original price. The supplier is the one that you have to deal with and Summit, Jegs and most of the big retailers will help you out if something arrives with a problem. Pictures and phone calls in a timely fashion helps..........especially if it's Grandma on the warpath