While you are at it ... I would replace the Fan Motor and squirrel cage along with the 5/8" and 3/4" heater hoses ... once done .. done....
Make sure you attach the vacuum lines before nutting up the box ... it will be a lot easier to get a fat hand on the the tips if you can move the box slightly instead of having to trying to get your hand on the firewall side to get the AC / Heat lines connected. Be sure you remeber which is which ...
TAKE PICTURES ... they are priceless ....
Also watch as many You Tube videos as you can on the secret to remove and install the blend / dampner door.
One last piece of advice ... if yours is not damaged, I would still consider replacing the blend door connector with an aluminum one ... the factory plastic ones break and you are screwed.
And the tip of the day ... if you strip out the smaller holes for the #8, #10, screws, use a small 4" zip tie in the hole all the way in from the screw side, ... screw in slowly and don't over tighten, they will hold just fine .. take some end nips and clip the tie smoot with the screw. ... I know .. it does work.
For GM For Camaro C10 K10 A/C HEATER BOX BLEND AIR DOOR CLIP Air Conditioning. For GM A/C HEATER BOX BLEND AIR DOOR CLIP AC Air Conditioning For Camaro C10. 2×Aluminum A/C Heater Box Blend Air Door Clip For GM Truck for Square Body 73-87.