just to add to the good info you already got...make sure the ground side of the choke is grounded to the frame or block, not the manifold. the manifold is isolated by its gasket. if its way outta whack, set the choke with gas pedal by pushing it all the way down when the engine is cold and off. remove your air cleaner. loosen the screws on electric choke. manipulated the round black housing till you see the choke plate open and close. since the engine is completely cold, slowly rotate the black housing from slightly open until it just starts to fully close and rest shut on the carburetors body. start somewhere around there.
now...if the choke is properly grounded and you have set it with the gas pedal, fire it up and let it idle. it should idle high.
once it is warm, which will take forever without a thermostat, blipping the throttle should relax it into low idle. notice that the plate will be completely open now. if it is not, something is wrong with adjustment or electric choke mech. when choke is adjusted, lock it back in with three phillips screws. after you adjust the choke and the car is completely warm you need to adjust idle mixture and speed again. make sure you check your adjustments with the air filter in place.
keep in mind, this choke is set with the throttle. you should fully depress the throttle pedal before you attempt to start the engine. some people new to these carbs, especially when coming from fuel injection, overlook that simple step.