Nice HR!
Thanks 89S. I don't know what to do with this one. Just keep it for the time of need or sale. Or just build it to withstand 1500 horsepower and wait for a buyer, or what?? I dunno.
I just bought it cuz it was cheap and close. I already have a well built Th400 in the DD, and I have a stock built back up Th400 just wainting to be put in something that was intended for the Burb I sold. Damn, I wish I had mo money. I got project ideas like no other and just can't do them for lack of funds. I just hate knowing I have a Th400 and its not built and ready to go. You know I'll just be itching to build it, but not sure to put all the good stuff and upgrades in it, or just a stock build. I guess just wait for a project to arise or someone asking me to build them a race trans.
Itch Itch, I feel the need for wrenching on it !!!