That is why I like building my own engines. Of course I have to depend alot on the machinsit and hope that he did what I told him and paid him to do. Of course you can usually tell when things are done and when they aren't. But, if I ask that a block be bored with a torrque plate, I can only assume he did. Many machine shops don't even have torque plates, so I'll ask to see their torrque plate. Chances are if they have it, they'll do it. I've never had a SBC done with a torque plate though. Usually have that done on Olds and Pontiac motor builds. One of my favorites, is asking someone if they plastiquaged their mtor that they built. And they ask, What's plastiguage? LMAO. I've use many strips of Green myself. It only takes 1 bearing or journal to be off and your whole build is junk. Its cheap insurance for the cost and time involved, so I do every last bearing, and will usually do the rods on 2 sides of the journal. Or you get the people that don't feeler guage their rings and said, they were fitted rings, no filing required. BS, I have filled many fitted rings before.