Does anyone know the easiest/best way to add a remote start setup on these trucks without cutting any factory wiring? Wanting to add to my 87 without power windows or locks
About the only way your going to be able to install a keyless entry, remote start, etc without cutting anything is to make your own jumper harnesses. If you can find plugs that match the plugs at the ignition switch, you could make all your cuts and splices at your jumper harness between the factory connector and the ignition switch. Same thing with the power door lock harness.
The other option would be to pick the terminals out of the connector body, and buy replacement Series 56 male/female and Series 59 male/female terminals to make a custom harness. American Autowire sells those terminals.
I have a box of old connector bodies and an assortment of terminals for projects just like your describing. I’m kinda meticulous about electrical work. I can’t stand seeing hacked up wiring, wire nuts, butt connectors, etc under the dash!!! I also have a huge collection of rolls of wire in different colors and sizes. I had to replace the evaporator core in my Ram truck, whoever installed the remote starter used a roll of white wire for everything. Replacing the evap core requires steering column and complete dash removal, which meant cutting every one of those white wires!! I went to my favorite salvage yard and got a dash and column wiring harness and cut each wire from each circuit and put quick disconnects on it ( the good ones, with heat shrink and glue for a good tight connection). That way every wire is the proper color, gauge, and makes things much easier to work on in the future. Nice thing with GM is the colors of wires rarely changed, and almost every car/truck of that vintage used the connector bodies.