There are 383's and then there are 383's. Engine internals will dictate where your torque will be rpm wise, and also how much torque overall, anywhere from 300-500. 2.73, 33" tires, 2000 rpm's and .67 OD=about 107 mph. Just changing to 3:73 = 78 mph. 4:10=71 mph. 4:56 = 64mph. Bucket is on the money, 4:56 @ 2800 rpm = 90mph, which is more then acceptable for sb, or bb. Overdrive make all the difference. Friend has a performa built 700r4 behind a 427 sb 650 hp, and has blown it twice on six months. There is a guy in Calif that worked for GM transmission, in his 70's now. He sells a kit that last check was about $1100 hand written instructions. My friend Tom has built a bunch of these. He is in the process of building three more. His son has a procharged 498 I believe, close to 1000hp with one of these modded trans, and it has not broke. Just some info for ya. Make sure when you build the motor, take pics so we can enjoy following along.