Does the trans have reverse? If so, the drive shell is fine. No reverse, 2nd or 4th gear, the drive shell is most likely stripped or broken.
I assume you have driven it pretty hard to see if it will shift? Put the shifter in “DRIVE” (not overdrive) Run it up to 25-30mph, let off the throttle. If it shifts, most likely the band or servo is at fault. The shift is caused by vehicle speed being high enough to skip 2nd gear, and going into 3rd. You don’t want to have the shifter in overdrive the band and servo are needed for 4th gear.
If it’s stuck in first gear, and has reverse, pull the govenor. Hopefully the gear is broken. If it’s stripped, inspect the bore the governor spins in, make sure it’s not chewed up. The gear stripped because for whatever reason the governor stopped turning. If the bore is chewed up, you probably need a new transmission case. They do make repair sleeves to fix the governor bore, but it takes some machine work to install. It’s probably cheaper just to find another case.