That little fugger is gonna be bad ass when its done. Kinda looking like you might have to do some cutting to get those big wheels under it. Even if you do a lift on it. The lift will cure the 12 o'clock position, but looks like you'll still rub at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions with that tire size. I just don't know that I'd want to hack it up as good of condition its in. Maybe consider a little smaller tire. Besides that, that little 4 popper hasn't got a wealth of hp even though its geared low. JMO, might wanna consider being just a tad conservative on the tire size. Those axles aren't the strongest either. Work well for what they are designed for, but going to bigger meats, more friction, more weight to spin etc, is going to put some strain on the drivetrain. This is why its common for people to put Buick 231 V6's in these things as well as upgrade axles to Dana 44 or Toyota axles. Yours is in such good shape, I'd want to keep it as OEM as possible for the Nostalgia purpose. But, that's JMO.