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  1. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Picked it up from the shop today. It was ready yesterday but got parked in after the shop closed by some careless so and so. Begrudgingly the wife and I had to leave it in the lot. The in-laws happened to stop by the house this afternoon and offered to take me to the truck. It is running good...
  2. JamesSam


    It just makes sense.
  3. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    I drove by the shop my truck went to at least 3 times this week and looked at it sitting where the tow truck driver dropped it on Sunday. I was contemplating calling the shop to ask if there were any updates even though we discussed it would likely be a while before they get to it. I understand...
  4. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    This just posted from Yeah Buddy for you Chad @ChuckN ...
  5. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    New gaskets and TBI hardware finally came in an the TBI was rebuilt, solid this time around with no leaks. The injectors were spraying very healthily. The truck revvved up great in the driveway. On the test run it started out with some sputtering and hopes were that it would work out. About 1/4...
  6. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Also, the matched hardware are Allen not Torx.
  7. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Picked up as close to a match as the local hardware store could get. They are not exact lengths and the heads and washers are not exactly the same size either. If need be I will saw down to necessary length. I also ordered the Motorman used GM TBI hardware set from Evil bay, and my nephew is...
  8. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    To elaborate and update we had the TBI back on and the truck fired up. The injectors were spraying healthy but one was leaking out a little top side. So we took it out with intentions of taking apart to reassemble and were already planning to replace gaskets, and then the torx screw snapped in...
  9. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Torx bolt snapped while re-installing injector pod. Does anyone know if there are TBI hardware kits at the regular auto parts shops?
  10. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    I like them both but I am definitely more of a fan of the rallies.
  11. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    I had to create collages with those photos to get them to load on here. They were sent to me from an I Phone and I have an Android. Apologies for the quality, I wish I could put the pictures directly in.
  12. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    The TBI injectors and the pod got the spa treatment at my Nephews workshop today. Before After:
  13. JamesSam

    Hello from Virginia

    Welcome from Midlothian.
  14. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    I ended up getting the Standard Ignition TBI rebuild kit for the truck and got my Nephew to come by and help out. He needs the real time experience while he is working his way to a full time diesel mechanic. Currently he rebuilds Huskvarna equipment. We got it disassembled, and cleaned up the...
  15. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Update: fuel pressure test was a bust. I had my Uncle in law over to assist. I could not get the TBI test fitment I ordered to thread on to the flex line. This was attempted as the service manual called for: between filter and flex line, in line. I was not expecting that. Regardless, we sat and...
  16. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Good looks Lee, I won't use tar paper. Most likely I will buy an anti squeak kit. I don't want to sell my tools! Lol.
  17. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    I am brainstorming on a material to use instead of an "anti squeak kit" that cost $30. Probably going to try and source some tar paper from my father in law.
  18. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    I still have not purchased new brackets, straps, or anti squeak because of the price, as you mentioned @Grit dog , for the brackets. I am still on the fence about buying new or restoring old. I think you just talked me in to grinding down the old brackets clean and painting to save money.
  19. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    I get ahead of myself. I am stockpiling to start a project that to me will improve the life of the truck. Yes it's true, I really don't know the exact problem but I assume, guilty. One of the first big projects I thought needed to be re-done was gas tanks but always was intimidated by the job...
  20. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    My wife and I just watched Groundhog Day with our kids for the first time tonight. Such an awesome movie. I think I saw it with my Mom and Dad at least 3 times in the theater when it came out.
  21. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    @TotalyHucked Zach, do you recommend AMD brackets, straps, and anti squeak kits? I want to support our passion through the community. It looks like AMD has all the remaining peices to my puzzle. Give me some insight.
  22. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Walked past it a couple times and stared at it, then ordered a Walbro fuel pump. JEGS first e mail said my GM TBI adaptor has shipped and arrival would be today, I thought to myself: "That's f***** fast!", then I clicked the track package icon and Fed Ex doesn't even have it yet. Rain all day...
  23. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Yes I'm hanging on to the truck!!!! Lol.
  24. JamesSam

    What have you done to your square lately??

    Ordered. Rain for days through the weekend in to next week then possibly snow. Hopefully when it arrives it will be good truck resto weather. Damn Punksatawny Phil.

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