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  1. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    Well, I tried it and it doesn't work! The damned headers get in the way of all things. The way the newer starter is set up it angles away from the engine block and towards the exhaust manifolds/headers. In my case there wasn't enough room to get the starter up against the block. IF YOU RUN...
  2. 85k10383

    Favorite car/truck magazines

    The Rodders Journal Greatest thing in print, period. Car and Driver Mostly for the goofy shit that John Philips comes up with Street Rodder Premium 2nd greatest thing in print, kind of a poor mans Rodders Journal LOL Speaking of mags, I think the world needs a squarebody only magazine...
  3. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    Thanks Fish, thats what I was wondering about. I'm gonna pull the trigger on this probably this weekend. The truck needs to be healthy for my upcoming move, so no sense putting it off.
  4. 85k10383

    Square Thefts

    Thank God squares are seldom if ever stolen in my neck of the woods. Mine would be the very last choice of even the most desperate car thief. Being as how you can hear it coming from two counties away LOL
  5. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    Well it turns out that 118 ain't that bad after all. I looked all over and that seems to be about the best price going for a gear reduction/hi performance type starter. Now that waaaaayy more than a plain ol standard starter, but my credo with this truck has been "If it breaks it must need...
  6. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    Well, I WAS highly interested in using the starter meant for the 03 HD 2500 until I had my buddy at Advance look up the price for me. 118 Bucks is awful dear for an experiment IMO. Think I'll just go with the Jegs one instead.
  7. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    Well, I'm going to take Fishes advice and get the newer Silverado starter (I have a 168 tooth flywheel) That sounds like the best all around way to go for me. As long as the wiring connections are the same I see no down-sides to going that route. I'm gonna run by the Pep-Boys in Winchester...
  8. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    I'm gonna do a little reasearch and see who can get me a good starter for a reasonable price. I would prefer to go local to save time, but if I can get a really good one from Jegs, well........ Does anyone have any thoughts on gear reduction starters? Other than making my Chevy sound like a...
  9. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    Damn, thats the coolest thing ever! I think I'll get it locally just because of that!
  10. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    Will they cover it if my headers cook the life out of it?
  11. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    Survey Says!? Starter.
  12. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    I got a solenoid heat shield from LMC, but never put it on (How stupid do I feel right now?) I guess that answers my question of "Do they work?" I'll go spelunking in my garage and find it tomorrow. Its probably too late to save the one thats on there now though....
  13. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    That kind of makes sense to me as well. The starter was one of the few pieces that carried over from the engine that was in the truck when I bought it. I don't now how old it is or what has been done to it either. Hmmmmm, maybe a good excuse to get a shiny new high torque one from Jegs eh?
  14. 85k10383

    Sluggish starter

    Would an overheated solenoid cause my starter to lag? Whenever the truck is hot and I shut it off Its touch and go as to whether she will start again. The starter trys to go, but gets slower and slower as I crank it. And the battery isn't the issue, this I am positive of. My headers are...
  15. 85k10383

    Davbell22602 search for a Squarebody Truck

    Do a google search on "Corvette clutch smoke" sometime if you need a good laugh. This douchebag tries to smoke the tires on a newish z06 and succeeds in completely destroying the clutch instead.
  16. 85k10383

    Remember the chrome K5??

    Imagine if you will driving behind that abomination on a partly sunny day as the sun comes out of the clouds and reflects off all that chrome. One could momentarily think they had seen the almighty. Until the thunder of hip-hop tuned you in to the truth LOL
  17. 85k10383

    Davbell22602 search for a Squarebody Truck

    You know what that means then don't you? First we fix the truck then we teach you how to drive it! Nothing like barbecueing a clutch it took you all weekend to get installed right? LOL PM me and we'll work something out man, I don't know if I can swing it this weekend or not, maybe Sunday...
  18. 85k10383

    Davbell22602 search for a Squarebody Truck

    Shit Dave, I'll teach ya! I'm being dead serious man, if you want to learn, I can help you. Especially if you have a manual truck that you can learn in. If not my Honda is a manual and I could teach my seven year old how to drive that damn thing. We can get together on weekends, theres about...
  19. 85k10383

    Davbell22602 search for a Squarebody Truck

    My Caddy was a three on the tree and driving that thing was a real pleasure, you just can't beat the rifle bolt feel of a well executed shift with one of the old mechanical linkage shifters. Shot at 2009-03-10 Oops,, sorry for the thread-jack
  20. 85k10383

    Davbell22602 search for a Squarebody Truck

    Tell you what Dave, If I can weasel the guy on Leetown Rd into selling me his Ford Econoline Van with a three on the tree, I'll teach ya how to drive stick in it. Its so easy a caveman could do it....
  21. 85k10383

    More fun with wiring

    I didn't even consider the ground, and that is probably the issue. As every bolt on the truck (with the exception of the header bolts LOL) comes loose every two weeks, its probably that. Thanks meng!
  22. 85k10383

    More fun with wiring

    My passenger side turn signal/marker light has decided to not work. I have installed an el cheapo replacement (made in China, sold at Advance) and it is also not working. Before I rip out my few remaining hairs and begin disassembling the wiring from the socket back to the dash, what might I...
  23. 85k10383

    Sold a good one today

    Her Dad knows that $ 4.00/gallon gas will keep her home most Friday nights! LOL The man is a genius!!
  24. 85k10383

    Memorial day

    What they said ^^^
  25. 85k10383

    headers hitting front dirveshaft

    My truck had that exact same problem with the old engine and headers that the PO had installed. The tube closest to the front DS was dented to hell and gone! When I installed the 383, I got the Jegs headers (#30055 ) and those fit perfect. HTH

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