I guess the innards of my trans dont look that bad...just a few small chips on some gears. When I pulled the tailshaft off to change the gasket, needle bearings came out and I lost 2. (There are 24 i believe). So I'll have to order a rebuild kit.
I took the front shaft out to access the needle bearings. Painted everything nice. I put it all back together just to see if I could (still need needle bearings or rollers whatever they are called) but when i go to put the tailshaft back on, it slides in until about a 1/4" inch from fully in. SO not sure whats up with that.
Got the water pump, intake and fuel pump back on.
Need to order:
valve guide seals
a freeze plug
a new harmonic balancer
a spring compression tool
Later I'll need:
plugs, wires
going with possibly a new distributor but at the least rotor and cap
enough oil and filter for 2 oil changers
some zinc additive for break in
need to get a tach in the truck
get a new timing light
fuel hose (last guy used whatever he had)
would really like a new starter or at least get mine looked at/rebuilt
money is a little tight since I spent the last 1000 on cam kit and rockauto parts so I'm biding my time and doing things I can do until then